تسديد إيجارات ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة
- Remaining Amount : 3503.7 KWD
- Goal: 5000 KWD
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تعليم وتأهيل أطفال التوحد.
- Remaining Amount : 3567 KWD
- Goal: 8250 KWD
Sorry! You cannot donate more than the remaining amount
توفير منتجات غذائية خاصة
- Remaining Amount : 775 KWD
- Goal: 3600 KWD
Sorry! You cannot donate more than the remaining amount
عــلاجات طــبــيــة
- Remaining Amount : 8824.8 KWD
- Goal: 35000 KWD
Sorry! You cannot donate more than the remaining amount
تعليم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة
- Remaining Amount : 7407.1 KWD
- Goal: 30000 KWD
Sorry! You cannot donate more than the remaining amount
- Remaining Amount : 747179.628 KWD
- Goal: 750000 KWD
Sorry! You cannot donate more than the remaining amount