

For the association to be a distinct turning point with a good impact in the field of charitable work.




Charity is in preserving the five essential colleges that are necessary for the individual in establishing his interests in the two homes: “preserving religion, life, reason, offspring, and money,” and meeting the needs to relieve hardship, hardship, and hardship, and facilitating them in a way that befits the virtues of customs and noble morals, the source of which is Islamic law and what the people of Kuwait and its inhabitants are innate to do.


  • Principles and Values: 

Our principle is benevolence through integrated Islamic values ​​(honesty, honesty, mercy, kindness, cooperation...etc).


  • Goals: 


The association aspires to achieve goals that include all aspects of the life of the benefactor to maintain the five colleges:

1- Educational and this is based on preserving religion, reason, and self-preservation, as science is the main pillar for achieving the goal for which God created the creation, the Almighty said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me” Al-Dhariyat: 56, and with knowledge, development and social and economic growth are achieved, which With it, society is built, and with it, the future of the individual is achieved.


2- Housing, God Almighty said: {And God has made for you a place of residence from your homes} Surah An-Nahl: 80 With a decent dwelling, family and psychological stability are achieved and the five necessities are preserved, all of which are “religion, soul, mind, offspring, and money.”


3- Health and psychological, the Almighty said: {And whoever saves a life, it is as though he saved all mankind} Surah Al-Ma’idah: 32, and preserving the human soul, mind, and offspring is one of the necessary goals that we seek to achieve.


4- Family and education, through which he sought to achieve the preservation of religion, the soul, the mind, and the offspring, God Almighty said:﴿ And from his verses that you created for you from your souls as husbands that you will be cursed to me and make between you dedication and a long-term For the benefit of the individual, the family, and society, through integrated Islamic rules.


5- The cooperative, the Almighty said: {And cooperate in righteousness and piousness} Surah Al-Maida: 2, and quoting from the guidance of this divine command, the association extends the hands of cooperation with individuals, to provide a liaison officer with the various sectors; To provide job opportunities to achieve the purpose of saving money and self.


6- Practical and professional, to earn a good, halal livelihood so that the benefactor enriches himself and those who are required to spend on him. To achieve the purpose of saving money.


7- The general public, preserving all five necessities, including all categories of benefactors (widows and orphans, the poor and needy, those in debt and distress, the sick and the elderly, people with special needs... and others); To achieve security and reassurance in this world to work for the Hereafter, and to achieve a cohesive society that strengthens each other,